Of life’s two certainties, taxes are the only one for which you can get an extension.

Niccolò Figundio mainly assists private clients and high net worth individuals (HNWI), advising on legal and tax matters, focusing on the cross-border perspective between Switzerland and Italy.

He deals, in particular, with issues related to international successions, estate and wealth planning, and real estate investments. He has also garnered experience in the relocation of individuals and in tax regularization procedures. He also advises multinational companies on commercial contracts and issues related to cross-border operations.

Niccolò is particularly appreciated by his clients and peers for his precise and rigorous approach, as well as for his ability to move proficiently between Swiss and Italian law and mindsets. He also has a strong sense of humor and a great passion for history.


  • Since 2024 Senior Associate at Altenburger
  • Since 2018 Associate at Altenburger
  • 2016-2017 Tax lawyer at Talenture Advisory SA, Lugano
  • 2014-2016 Trainee lawyer at Studio legale tributario Greco e Associati, Lugano


  • 2020 Certificate of Advanced Studies in Swiss Tax Law, SUPSI, Lugano
  • 2016 Bar admission, Court of Milan
  • 2014 Master's degree in Tax Law, Il Sole 24 Ore Business School, Milan
  • 2013 Law degree, University of Insubria, magna cum laude

Bar / Court Admission

  • Milan Bar Association (at all Italian courts)
  • Registered in Switzerland as EU/EFTA Barrister (at all Swiss courts)

Special Engagements

  • Since 2020 External collaborator at University of Insubria (INTERREG Project)
  • Since 2018 Lecturer in international tax law at CSVN - Centro Studi Villa Negroni (Lugano, Vezia)


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Speaking Engagements

Speaking Engagements

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Full List of Publications

  • Guideline on Buying Real Estate in Italy
  • "L'istituto dello “split year” secondo la Convenzione contro le doppie imposizioni tra Svizzera e Italia" - Novità fiscali - L'attualità del diritto tributario svizzero e internazionale / SUPSI · May 1, 2024
  • "L’acquisto di immobili in Italia da parte del cittadino svizzero: limitazioni e principio di reciprocità" - Novità fiscali - L'attualità del diritto tributario svizzero e internazionale / SUPSI · Jun 1, 2022
  • "La piazza finanziaria ticinese e l'economia del Nord Italia. Per uno sviluppo integrato", Franco Angeli - 2023
  • "Fase 2 del Peer Review process: il Global Forum promuove la Svizzera" - Novità Fiscali - L'attualità del diritto tributario svizzero e internazionale / SUPSI · Dec 1, 2016

Further Publications

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