1st YICTA Forum - International Dividend Taxation

Want to know more about dividend taxation in Switzerland, Germany, USA, France, the Netherlands and Luxembourg?
Natalia Roos will be among the panelist of the 1st YICTAX Forum - International Dividend Taxation.
YICTAF (Young International Corporate Tax Forum) is an informal group of young international tax professionals from countries all over the world exchanging international tax insights from different jurisdictions. The aim is to create regular interaction within a community of international tax professionals working in multinational companies, accounting firms and law firms.
On this online forum, young international corporate tax professionals from countries all over the world share insights from their jurisdictions:
Germany: Dr. Pascal Hornstein - DLA Piper, Frankfurt
France: Seguy Passy, LLM, Ardian, Paris
USA: Paul Mosser, DLA Piper, Chicago
Netherlands: Jitze de Beer, BUREN , Amsterdam
Switzerland: Natalia Roos, Altenburger Ltd legal + tax, Zurich
Luxembourg: Valentin Silly, KPMG Luxembourg, Luxembourg
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